mini exploration on AI

Yesterday, as I realized that I might be the last person on this planet that hasn't possibly tried out Midjourney, I decided to give it a try.

My input specifically was:
"/imagine: a black and white sculpture of a seahorse created by typographic characters from a bodoni typeface"


initial generated imagery


first four generated images based on the given input


high resolution final output from the first selection


I must admit that the result of the given input is impressive. Of course, I have my doubts based on the actual use of the tool and the ethics behind it. Someone can definitely say that as a tool it offers a great starting point and definitely it might help in the ideation phase and within the creative process.

There is a really interesting read from Clayton Welham (director of Found), "The possibilities are(n’t) endless: exploring AI’s place in design".


progress of a different selection out of the four initial generated imagery


high resolution final output from the second selection


high resolution final output from the second selection


We only have to wait and see how those tools and technology will _____________ the creative industry.


Edinburgh 01.2023


Milos 09.2022